GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS-2008 The financial crisis of 2008 commenced in the USA but the whole world witnessed the crisis. COMMENCEMENT - 2001 The commencement of the global financial crisis has its roots connected to 2001 when the Federal bank of USA reduced the interest rate from 6.5% to 2.5% in 2001. This led to a gradual increase in borrowings. The easy availability of credit incentivised people to borrow loans and purchase homes. This led to an increase in home prices. All this started forming a real estate bubble. Even after witnessing the massive increase in real estate prices and borrowings, the federal bank reduced the interest rate to 1% in 2003. THE FINAL CALL From 2004, there was a sharp increase in interest rates in the USA. From 2004 fed rates had reached 5.25%which continued till 2007, following this the home prices started declining. Borrowers were not able to pay the interest, and many sub prime lenders ...